Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wednesday,June 15,2016
4:33 am to 4:49 am=16 mins.

Lastly, make it last
Lee, the universe
ends with a zombie
I think there's a tv show
about food
when the world's over
and, and, and
sorry to stutter
you'll need strength
good nourishment
could help to fight
to help the fight
against raw might
never makes right
Firstly, turn the dial
good futuristic tvs
take you back
buh yeah baaack
to when tv was good
i like those
food shows, before
we had to worry
about storing up
rations for all our
human oops
for examples
prepare your mind
for bombs
and asteroids
i wanna be up
not blown
never elect a clown
or hate a frown
trust your sweetest
desire eat, live,
have sex, create,
love not hate
fight against the
mind wreckers
and anti-humans
good to like what
you like is good
just so you're not
harming anyone
good is liking you
who likes and
that's good
we're not dupes
don't fall for
stand for
don't wait for oops
love without worry
Lastly, make it last